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SILPO atveria kelią naujoms parduotuvių autentiškumo tendencijoms


Ukrainos mažmeninės prekybos tinklas SILPO nenustoja stebinti išskirtiniu parduotuvių dizainu. Įspūdingos šalys, magiškos vietos, mokslinės fantastikos erdvės, knygų ir filmų pasauliai – SILPO parduotuvės gali jus perkelti į visas šias vietas.

Nepaprastas naujų parduotuvių dizainas

Neseniai duris atvėrusi parduotuvė Odesoje pasitinka pirkėjus prabangiame „Grand Silpo“ viešbutyje, įkurtame Silpowka šalyje. Paslaptingas ir žavus, kiek fikcinis, tačiau parduodami produktai yra visiškai tikri, pradedant kvapniais kepiniais ir baigiant sultingais šviežiais vaisiais ir daržovėmis.

Kita neseniai atidaryta parduotuvė Lvove nukelia pirkėjus į Memfį. Legendinis 80-ųjų stiliaus interjeras yra kūrybinė miesto manifestastacija –  čia virš galvų sklando flamingai, sienas puošia gitarų bei vinilo plokštelių dekoracijos, nes šį miestą garsina bliuzas.

SILPO parduotuvė Vinicoje, Ukrainoje, įkvėpta garsiojo Antono Čechovo pjesės „Vyšnių sodas“. Žydintys medžiai, ryškus sienų dekoras ir sultingų vyšnių dekoracijos suteikia pirkėjams pakilią nuotaiką.

Dar viena nauja SILPO parduotuvė Novy Rozdil mieste, Lvovo regione, perkelia į Škotiją. Škotijos žavesys slypi natūraliame gamtos grožyje ir dinamiškoje jos praeityje, garsėjusioje žymiais mūšiais. Parduotuvės interjeras veda pirkėjus į kelionę po Škotiją, kur galima įžengti į mūšio vietas, pažymėtas šarvais ir herbine atributika, stebėtis gamta paveiksluose, ir net aptikti garsiąją Lochneso pabaisą.

FREOR, bendradarbiaudama su Restoria Group, džiaugiasi prisidėjusi prie išskirtinių prekybos centrų projektų, tiekdama energetiškai efektyvią šaldymo įrangą. SILPO parduotuvių tinklui yra tiekiamos VEGA SPACE QB ir ELISA QB modelių vitrinos, JUPITER ir PLUTON SPACE modelių priesieniai ir impulsinių pirkimų vitrinos iš IDA serijos. Įranga pritaikyta specifiniams kliento poreikiams.


SILPO, priklausanti Fozzy Group, yra pirmaujanti Ukrainos mažmeninės prekybos korporacija. Įkurta 2001 metais, šiandien SILPO valdo 260 parduotuvių 59 šalies miestuose. Vidutinis parduotuvės plotas yra apie 1440 kvadratinių metrų. Nuo 2014 metų kiekviena naujai atidaroma SILPO parduotuvė įrengiama pagal unikalią temą. SILPO sukėlė tarptautinį susidomėjimą autentišku parduotuvių interjero dizainu ir toliau nenustoja stebinti savo klientų.


Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Self-service-counter-IDA-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-HG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Multideck-chillers-open-JUPITER-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Food-display-cabinet-PLUTON-SPACE-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-HG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Serve-over counter-ELISA-QB-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Multideck-chillers-open-JUPITER-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Food-display-cabinet-PLUTON-SPACE-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Serve-over counter-ELISA-QB-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-HG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-LG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR Enlarge-serve-over-counter-VEGA-SPACE-QB-HG-SILPO-Ukraine-FREOR


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Brief description of the FREOR safety policy

FREOR cares about its customers’ privacy and makes sure that their personal data is safe:

  • Information about FREOR customers are not used for unlawful purposes;
  • FREOR does not transfer their customers’ data or personal information to third persons.

What information do we collect?

FREOR collects the following information:

  • Information about visits of the website users to the FREOR website and the usage of the website. We collect IP address, duration of visit, number of page views, type of browser, and geographical location;
  • Information that website visitors provide in order to subscribe to the FREOR newsletters. E-mail address is collected, as well as the following data: name and surname, company, e-mail address, phone number, job title, and country.

Traffic statistics of the website

FREOR seeks to keep the FREOR website as simple to use as possible and the relevant information more easily accessible. In order to find out what information is most relevant to the visitors of the website, FREOR collects demographic and statistical data. This information does not identify a specific person but provides statistical information that FREOR can analyse and then apply for improving the functionality of the website or use the data for marketing purposes.

FREOR collects this information using the Google Analytics tool that generates statistical and other website usage information. The information is stored by Google Inc. (USA company). Google EU-USA privacy policy is available here.

You can disable the feature of data collection on Google Analytics at any time as described here.

FREOR notifications and newsletters

FREOR seeks to share with its newsletter recipients only the relevant news. If you subscribe to the FREOR newsletter on the FREOR website or otherwise provide FREOR with your contact data (by exchanging visit cards with FREOR representatives at meetings or events or presenting your contact information when registering for FREOR events), FREOR may send you newsletters and notifications with the interest of pursuing business relationships with companies represented by you.

Having sent a notification, FREOR may collect statistical data about your behaviour with regard to the newsletter, for instance, whether you have opened the e-mail, what links you clicked on, what device you used, etc. FREOR does this by using cookies (provided that you give consent). In order to improve the communication, FREOR monitors communication efficiency statistics.

If you do not find the news relevant, you can cancel them at any time. You can cancel your consent for FREOR to collect and process personal data provided by you at any time by sending an e-mail to or replying by clicking on the link at the end of the newsletter. Server recordings

The server hosting the FREOR website may also record enquiries that you submit to the server (address of the website that you are opening, device and browser that you use, your IP address and login time). This data is used for technical purposes only in order to ensure proper and safe functioning of the website.


Name Source Purpose Category Term
PHPSESSID Saves visitor’s session status through different page requests. Necessary for a site to function Session
_icl_current_language Saves visitor`s choice of language. Page settings Session
_ceg.s Crazy Egg service cookie registers visitor clicks in the website. Statistics 3 months
_ceg.u Crazy Egg Cookie, which helps you recognize a visitor who has already visited your site. Statistics 3 months
_gat, _gid, _ga Google Analytics Google Analytics cookies record a unique ID that is used to generate statistics for site views. Statistics Session
collect Google Analytics Sends information to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Helps identify same visitor using different devices. Marketing Session
NID Google ads cookie Marketing 2 years
GMAIL_RTT Allows sharing content on the Google+ social network. Page settings Session
S, SIDCC Security cookie that helps to protect Google user data. Security 2 months
wordpress_logged_in_ WordPress TVS cookie that recognizes user logged to website. Necessary for a site to function Session


wordpress_sec WordPress TVS cookie, user account security ID. Is used to ensure account security. Necessary for a site to function Session


wordpress_test_cookie The WordPress TVS cookie used to check if the browser supports cookie registration. Necessary for a site to function Session


wp-settings-1 WordPress TVS cookie, logged user ID. Is used to display the admin bar. Necessary for a site to function 1 year
wp-settings-time-1 WordPress TVS cookie used to store logon time. Necessary for a site to function 1 year

One the pieces of statistical information crucial to FREOR is the return visitor rate. FREOR uses this data to analyse visitor behaviour and to enhance the experience of visiting the site. To track repeated visits, the FREOR website uses cookies. The cookies are installed and used with a help of the Google Analytics tool.

Cookies are installed on your device only upon your consent, except for cookies that are required solely for ensuring technical functioning of the website. It should be noted that if you do not grant the website the right to use cookies, some of the website’s features may partially not operate.

How to manage cookies?

You can delete or manage cookies at any time; besides, most browsers allow you to disable installation of cookies. However, if you do that, some of the services and features may not work. More information is available here.

Who has access to your data and for how long it is stored

Statistical data about visitors to the FREOR website may be accessed by the FREOR employees working in marketing and commercial divisions that are responsible for data analysis and development of the website. Access to technical records may also be granted to FREOR partners that provide website content management tools or hosting services of the FREOR website. We responsibly protect the collected data about the visitors of the website from loss or unauthorised use.

FREOR uses the collected data for analysis for up to three years.